Friday, September 15, 2006

Free Running

Found on YouTube at last.

It was sometime ago that I was introduced a term "free-running" on TVB Pearl and was then fascinated (beautiful bodies, both very strong and flexible).

It came from France - so called "came from", but I believe many ancestors thousands years ago would have done something similiar in times of fighting and hunting. Today, we live in a sedantary world, we are somewhat couch-potatoes; we worry about ourselves but on the other hand, we hardly move but slouch and bend over at desk, either looking for miracles happen, or doing paperwork which seems never end.

Let's face it - we are in a rut, a life rut. Perhaps the best thing, the first thing to get away from this rut, is to stand up and free our bodies - it is at least a first step before we can truly get some spirit and free our minds.

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中西夾攻對抗自然eye shadow

大約四個月前開始,眼睛上方眼蓋的位置,久不久就會泛起一片橙紅。最初以為是活在爛公司氣鬱動肝火所致,誰知離開鬼地方後,eye shadow,「自然眼蓋膏」仍然揮之不去。淡紅有時,腫脹有時,起白屑剝落有時,而無時無刻都痕癢難當。 後來,返了國內探望做中醫師的表兄長,他一看我情況,就說...