Saturday, August 30, 2008

中西夾攻對抗自然eye shadow

大約四個月前開始,眼睛上方眼蓋的位置,久不久就會泛起一片橙紅。最初以為是活在爛公司氣鬱動肝火所致,誰知離開鬼地方後,eye shadow,「自然眼蓋膏」仍然揮之不去。淡紅有時,腫脹有時,起白屑剝落有時,而無時無刻都痕癢難當。









Sunday, May 04, 2008

FSN Sport Science. Episode 1 - Free Runners 型到癲!

Thai elephant泰象行

My legs are long, as you can see. But what you cannot see is that my massage partner’s legs are even longer. See them in the pic? Of course you cannot!

Sorry, I should be as serious as I am professional (it is what I am trying to affirm myself each day right now)! Let’s talk about the pic this time. What are we doing? Doesn’t it look like a murder scene? Or that I am trying to kill, if not hurting her? But wait! why does she look so comfortable?

Because, in fact, she is enjoying the pleasure of pressure- I am using my body weight to press on her back, right after finishing the thai fish. This sequence is called the“elephant walk”, though it looks more like a walking downward-dog in yoga! But the name cannot be more correct and precise – like having an elephant on your back, this pose heavily and effectively PRESS and SQUEEZE your back muscles, which are mostly tight and weak for common sedentary people. Other than releasing the tightness of the back muscles, its main benefit is to improve the circulation of blood flow on the back, while pushing all the CO2 out of your lungs- you would not believe it until you try it yourself!

Oh! I love cooking the thai fish, but I also love this elephant. But this time, knowing how pleasurable it is, I love to be a receiver better!

Warning: like doing downward-dog, arms should be straight and shoulders should be externally rotated all the time while acting like an elephant on someone’s back, otherwise ( such as if your bend your elbow and or not opening your chest enough), not only the receiver will not enjoy the pleasure of pressure, the giver might hurt her shoulders joints as the result of this unstable position and wrong body mechanic.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Thai fish + cobra泰飛魚與眼鏡蛇

See? I am obsessed. I can’t take the fish pose out of my head and I am sure I will keep thinking about it until it is all written down.

The difference between thai-yoga fish pose and yoga cobra pose is that, with the assistance of a giver, the fish pose is more powerful than the cobra pose. The giver, while kneeling on the back of the receiver, uses her body as leverage to lift the receiver up by leaning backward, the receiver then “uses” the giver also as leverage to lift up herself more easily and effectively. The result is that the cobra pose originally in yoga, become more powerful: the receiver can almost effortlessly enjoy the benefits of the cobra pose without needing to engage too much of her arms muscles to get into the final pose; at the same time, the “leverage” from the back (i.e. the giver) enables the receiver to open her chest into a deeper level. As a result, the receiver will be able to lengthen more of her front deltoid and pectoralis major, whilst engaging the mid-trapezius to make it stronger to counter balance the collapse of the mid-back resulted from sitting too long. Moreover, this pose is done without the need to sacrifice the stability of the shoulder joints (i.e. the shoulder joints are effectively turned into a externally rotated position). This way, it protects, opens as well as strengthens these joints... all in all, doing 1 fish pose can yield 3 benefits for the shoulders! not to mention how it helps strengthen the lower back, how it lengthens the front hips, how it...!!!

The only drawback of the thai-fish pose, is that it is done and finished too quickly. 2-3 repetitions then done and you will have to say goodbye and move forward, unless the giver is kind and attentive enough so that you can ask for more without worrying you will be charged higher! Consider this, you are so blessed to have someone, such as me, around who knows and practices thai yoga massage, and who is not intended to charge... at least for the time being...!
PS: special thanks to my massage partner for her permission to publish the fish pic taken together.

My thai yoga massage泰式按摩之旅

The more I look at the photos taken the other day, the more self-obsessed I become. What a great picture I took with my partner doing the fish-pose in thai massage! I can't wait to share with everyone! But since so far I haven't asked for her permission to pose this pic on this blog, that i decided to have her face blurred into non-existence!

Can't you see? isn't it the cobra pose in yoga! a cobra pose which stretches the abs, hip-flexors, the spine, the chest and the shoulder joints! but it is a cobra pose practiced with a partner! The reason I am interested in thai massage is that it reminds me of yoga/partner yoga, both of which emphasis the importance of relaxation, balance, compassion and loving-kindness. One of the things that keep impress me, is that thai massage combines many things- thumb-pressing, 經絡, indian 印度醫學, yoga, chinese 醫學, acupuncture, to name a few...... so much to learn, so deep a science it is! and you can reap the benefit of having your whole body relaxed right away after a single session!

But of course, when you switch to become a giver of the massage, thing turns differently. Not only it is like you have completed an hour of exercise, it is also like you have sent messages to the world that you have great power and ability to heal yourself and other.

(this photo is private, taken by one of my friend, all right reserved, nobody should try to circulate la!)

Monday, April 21, 2008







Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thai Yoga Massage

I have to admit- I hate what I am doing right now for a living.

But I found my new love- Thai Massage stretching that, along with yoga and exercise, balances the ordeal I endure in my daily life.

With my credentials as a freelance yoga instructor, I think I will soon succeed in "transforming" myself into a thai-yoga massage practitioner, as I will go with a partner to attend a 4-days intensive course. I am so looking forward to it right now.

Thai yoga massage, or simply thai massage, is sometimes called a passive form of yoga stretching... of course, it is more than that. In the beginning I thought it was a gentle form of partner yoga. However, the more it is explored, the deeper my interest to know it better.

It incorpates many things, from theroies of chinese medication, yoga to acupressure... I especially like the give-and-take communication between the receiver and the giver, it is a very subtle yet meditative communication between the two, a human interaction of compassion...of course, like yoga or any other form of exerecise, it is bodywork also, that basic knowledge about human anatomy is necessary to excel...

Thursday, March 06, 2008






Thursday, January 03, 2008

Body talks_1

All things happen not at random. They are the result of the past.

I have long been conscious about the existence of my body. I have always been since middle-school. When I looked into the mirror I was ashamed of the pimples that spread over my face and made me looked ugly. When I grew older, I started noticing the change of my breast, of their growing out of my control, along with menstruation from the age of 13, then I started to realize that I was stepping into a new phase of life into womanhood.

I didn’t treat and take care of my body very well in my early womanhood, from time to time I would fall into a deep hole of sadness and loss that I was skeptical of my own being, the very essence of life and existence. When looking back, I guess all these was the result of my ignorance of how this machine, name it as the body, was working.

It was until I got rid of the darkest phase of my life that I had built up a very deep attachment to it. It was not my physical body I acknowledged, for this had happened as soon as I started to work out in the gym, but my physical and emotional body united as a whole (thanks to yoga). There can never be any separation of them as they are the reflection of one another- neither of them can exist without the other. In English, when 2 people say to each other, “we have a connection”, it implies not only the physical (romance) side, but also the connection between their mind and heart.

I have a connection with my body which is as deep as being in love with her. She is the reflection of my heart and a place for me to rest and nurture. When I hold my hands I feel the pleasure of touch; I caress it in the expression of love and care. It feels pain when I am dismayed and sad, it feels light and strong when I am caring and optimistic. It is the way we communicate, as intimately as making love of 2 lovers. The awareness of its existence sometimes makes me broody and obsessed, that sometimes I just can’t bear to look at it withering with ages unless they would cause no sadness in my mind.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Notes from a troubled mind 煩「腦」筆記


以此推論,於是大家或會明白為何多做冥想、靜坐這類與腦活動有關的事,是可以改變腦細胞的活動和分泌,從而達到合一、當下、超越時空natural high的境界。





當然,我仍然是主張「正正常常」地活著。所以當昨天晚上在尖沙咀海旁站了多句鐘頭,期間看到不遠處有幾個十零歲的、樣子長得以為自己好有型其實面目猙獰的小朋友在吃大麻吃到出神時,除了真想打巴個佢地之外(因為在旁的我們也因此間接地吸了「二手草」),也實在黑心得希望低能(又是腦問題啊)的他們早日食壞腦(腦細胞死了就不會復活的,即英文所謂的gone for good),那麼他們就可以早日與其藏在大腦顳葉的快樂之神會面。






中西夾攻對抗自然eye shadow

大約四個月前開始,眼睛上方眼蓋的位置,久不久就會泛起一片橙紅。最初以為是活在爛公司氣鬱動肝火所致,誰知離開鬼地方後,eye shadow,「自然眼蓋膏」仍然揮之不去。淡紅有時,腫脹有時,起白屑剝落有時,而無時無刻都痕癢難當。 後來,返了國內探望做中醫師的表兄長,他一看我情況,就說...