Sunday, May 04, 2008

Thai elephant泰象行

My legs are long, as you can see. But what you cannot see is that my massage partner’s legs are even longer. See them in the pic? Of course you cannot!

Sorry, I should be as serious as I am professional (it is what I am trying to affirm myself each day right now)! Let’s talk about the pic this time. What are we doing? Doesn’t it look like a murder scene? Or that I am trying to kill, if not hurting her? But wait! why does she look so comfortable?

Because, in fact, she is enjoying the pleasure of pressure- I am using my body weight to press on her back, right after finishing the thai fish. This sequence is called the“elephant walk”, though it looks more like a walking downward-dog in yoga! But the name cannot be more correct and precise – like having an elephant on your back, this pose heavily and effectively PRESS and SQUEEZE your back muscles, which are mostly tight and weak for common sedentary people. Other than releasing the tightness of the back muscles, its main benefit is to improve the circulation of blood flow on the back, while pushing all the CO2 out of your lungs- you would not believe it until you try it yourself!

Oh! I love cooking the thai fish, but I also love this elephant. But this time, knowing how pleasurable it is, I love to be a receiver better!

Warning: like doing downward-dog, arms should be straight and shoulders should be externally rotated all the time while acting like an elephant on someone’s back, otherwise ( such as if your bend your elbow and or not opening your chest enough), not only the receiver will not enjoy the pleasure of pressure, the giver might hurt her shoulders joints as the result of this unstable position and wrong body mechanic.

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