Sunday, March 12, 2006




血液的酸鹼度、腸胃的消化液和各種酵素、缺水情況、維他命與礦物質的充足和均衡、好膽固醇和壞膽固醇的比例、攝入的是好油(unsaturated)抑或壞油(trans fat)、自由基與抗氧化、大腸的毒素的積累、蛋白質、單性碳水化合物和複性碳水化合物的攝取、抽煙、喝茶、喝咖啡、飲酒,等等等等,每一項目都會影響人體的化學運作,進而影響個人的健康、心智以及生命的長/短度。

正閱讀一本有關腸胃護理的書,名叫《Dr. Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care》。內裡有很多警醒的信息,單單一個Introduction,就甚有看頭,例如:

“The body is an organization. It digests food, processes oxygen, and undertakes numerous other activities. Every organ contributes something to the body and its activities. As human beings, we need every cell, tissue, and organ that was put into our body. The body is the instrument through which we live, and we should treat it with respect. We cannot take our body, so wonderfully put together, and expect it to function properly if we violate all the natural laws that are necessary for it to be well.”


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中西夾攻對抗自然eye shadow

大約四個月前開始,眼睛上方眼蓋的位置,久不久就會泛起一片橙紅。最初以為是活在爛公司氣鬱動肝火所致,誰知離開鬼地方後,eye shadow,「自然眼蓋膏」仍然揮之不去。淡紅有時,腫脹有時,起白屑剝落有時,而無時無刻都痕癢難當。 後來,返了國內探望做中醫師的表兄長,他一看我情況,就說...