Monday, November 19, 2007

Acupuncture and amazement (奇妙的中醫針灸)

These 2 photos were taken last night at my middle-school-classmate’s new home in Tin Shui Wai, the so-called “City of Sadness” which should actually be re-named as “City of Windiness”,in my opinion.

We were house-warming. We were sitting in the living room. Next to me was another middle-school-classmate. I cropped the photo into half because I am not sure if she would be willing to have her face appeared on this blog.

But it is not the point here, not so much as I want to have everyone’s attention on my shiny-freaky left leg with a needle on it. Inserted by another middle-school-classmate of mine who has just finished an acup-course, this is an acup-point called the “足三里”said to have involved and controlled the well-being of ones health (plus beauty benefits).

After 10 minutes sitting with a needle on my leg, something strange inside started happening- I felt more energetic, alive and focused. The energy level was going up and all the tiredness and boredom after the windy move earlier that day seemed to have gone in an instant. When I took to the washroom, I saw my eyes were rounder and my face brightened. I told my classmate how amazing the effect was then she replied it was because needling that point is what the Chinese physicians usually prescribe to improve chi and blood flow, i.e. 大補氣血! (So, this is the “point” and I can’t help poking it over and over again right now.)

Upon hearing this benefit (that neither any yoga asana nor massage can achieve this), as always a health enthusiast, I was interested and excited immediately, hoping to take a course as soon as possible to learn more about acupuncture and how it relates to other healing systems.

I just hope my friends would join me- even if they are not interested to learn, they would be willing to be my guinea pigs to have needles on their bodies …


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中西夾攻對抗自然eye shadow

大約四個月前開始,眼睛上方眼蓋的位置,久不久就會泛起一片橙紅。最初以為是活在爛公司氣鬱動肝火所致,誰知離開鬼地方後,eye shadow,「自然眼蓋膏」仍然揮之不去。淡紅有時,腫脹有時,起白屑剝落有時,而無時無刻都痕癢難當。 後來,返了國內探望做中醫師的表兄長,他一看我情況,就說...