I have to admit- I hate what I am doing right now for a living.
But I found my new love- Thai Massage stretching that, along with yoga and exercise, balances the ordeal I endure in my daily life.
With my credentials as a freelance yoga instructor, I think I will soon succeed in "transforming" myself into a thai-yoga massage practitioner, as I will go with a partner to attend a 4-days intensive course. I am so looking forward to it right now.
Thai yoga massage, or simply thai massage, is sometimes called a passive form of yoga stretching... of course, it is more than that. In the beginning I thought it was a gentle form of partner yoga. However, the more it is explored, the deeper my interest to know it better.
It incorpates many things, from theroies of chinese medication, yoga to acupressure... I especially like the give-and-take communication between the receiver and the giver, it is a very subtle yet meditative communication between the two, a human interaction of compassion...of course, like yoga or any other form of exerecise, it is bodywork also, that basic knowledge about human anatomy is necessary to excel...
謝謝你!你打的是簡體中文,你是國內朋友吧?RYT200 是Yoga Alliance認可的課程吧?加油啊!(別忘了只顧練體位啊!)
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