Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Samadhi is in the details - 2




至於初學者,尤其是滿身創傷、身體僵硬的人,最好還是跟隨一些注意身體細節的老師去學習(特別推薦Iyengar yoga一派)。這些老師大部分都是「過來人」,可能受過傷、可能原本是肌肉僵硬的人,因此會明白我們身體的各種極限,知道力量和柔軟度得來並不易。跟其學習,雖然會覺得「濕碎」,卻安全得多,才能從練習中體會真正的樂趣和益處。

Samadhi is in the details - 1



舉例說,做Warrior I時,虛有姿勢,沒有實際,不知道原來這個姿勢要鍛鍊的是hip flexors、後腿hamstrings及臀大肌,而錯誤地在final pose上將身體重心全部放在前腳,便容易增加前腳膝頭的壓力,久而久之,會造成膝蓋移位、甚至軟骨磨損的傷害。

Samadhi is in the details,一個正確的姿勢,對整體的安全和健康十分重要。提手、拗腰,郁動的,並不只是手和腰,而是整體肌肉和骨骼的配合、協調。Everything happens as a whole,一組肌肉必須適當收緊,相對的另一組才能適當地伸展。


Monday, August 28, 2006






Saturday, August 26, 2006

7 Ways to Protect Your Knees in Yoga

By Catherine Guthrie, Yoga Journal

1 Avoid hyperextending. When joints are overly mobile and flex too far back, they're hyperextended. In the knees, hyperextension often occurs in poses in which the legs are straightened, such as Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) and Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), putting an unhealthy tension on the ligaments. If you're prone to hyperextension, keep a slight bend in the knees during standing poses and keep your weight evenly distributed among the four corners of your feet. In seated forward bends, place a rolled-up sticky mat or towel under the knee of the extended leg or legs.

2 Start with your feet. Proper alignment through the feet is the key to building strength evenly in the ligaments on both sides of the knee; when all the ligaments are equally strong, the kneecap glides effortlessly up and down and the cartilage doesn't get worn down. Separate your toes and press actively through the four corners of your feet in every pose, even inversions. If your feet are out of alignment, your knees are going to suffer.

3 Keep your knees in line. When moving into deep knee bends, such as Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II) and Parsvakonasana (Side Angle Pose), first align your bent knee over your ankle, then draw your kneecap in line with your second toe. Maintain awareness in your back foot, pressing down evenly, while lifting up from the arch of your front foot. "If you let the arch drop, the knee falls inside the big toe, and you're set up to suffer a number of different kinds of overuse and acute knee injuries," says Angela Smith, a professor of orthopedic surgery.

4 Tune in to subtle signals. "Oftentimes, the knees don't give immediate feedback," explains Iyengar teacher Joni Yecalsik. "Only later do you realize you've gone too far. When it comes to the knees, the sensation that would normally proceed the red flag is the red flag." If you feel achiness when you come out of a bent-knee pose, you may have worked too hard.

5 Build strength by balancing. Balancing poses, especially those that require moving through a bent standing leg, such as Garudasana (Eagle Pose), are especially beneficial. "Very dynamic balancing protects the knee against future injury by training the functional alignment, not just working the muscle," Smith says.

6 Be prop-friendly. When it comes to seated asanas, nothing makes a tight knee happier than a bounty of props. In Virasana (Hero Pose), try raising your seat with blankets or a block. Anytime the knees are deeply bent, such as in Balasana (Child's Pose) or Marichyasana III (Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi III), pressure can be relieved by placing a rolled-up washcloth as far into the knee pit as possible before bending the joint.

7 Warm up with hip openers. "If your big joints aren't open, your small joints will always take the stress," yoga instructor Sandy Blaine says. "Many people hurt their knees doing Lotus when their hips aren't ready." She recommends warming up with hip stretches like Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) and Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose).

Noisy Joints

The popping, cracking joints you hear while practicing yoga may be problematic or not, depending on the cause. ~ By YJ Staff, Yoga Journal

Cracking and popping noises can be attributed to a few different phenomena. One explanation is that when a joint is pushed into or out of its normal position (which could be done during a yoga pose) gases, primarily nitrogen, are displaced and escape from the synovial fluid inside the joint, causing a popping sound.

Another reason for the noise, according to frequent Yoga Journal contributor and international yoga teacher Judith Lasater, comes from a tendon moving across a joint or from arthritic changes that have already occurred in the joint. She believes that if this popping occurs naturally during yoga practice, or in daily life, for that matter, there is not a problem.

However, it is unadvisable to continually try to pop one's joints (i.e., cracking the knuckles). This practice tends to create hypermobility and can lead to instability in the joint. This instability can cause the surrounding musculature to tighten up a bit to support the joint and thus the urge to pop will arise again, says Lasater.

If the popping is from a tendon moving across a joint or from arthritis, continue to pay attention to the area, and if the symptoms change, or if there is pain associated with a popping or cracking noise, seek the counsel of a qualified health professional.

Monday, August 21, 2006



今晚練了兩句幾鐘ashtanga yoga。沒多warm up,已不停down-dog、up-dog、plank地做。不消十分鐘,個個同學不是頭頂冒煙,就已經做著出水芙蓉;間中還夾雜一兩聲濃重的呼吸聲和呻吟聲,整個課室儼如夏日刺腳的沙灘,熱辣辣、濕立立,卻又充滿人的活力!





Friday, August 18, 2006











1.山式(Mountain Pose):強化大腿和膝蓋,改善姿勢。

2.戰士第一式(Warrior I):強化大腿,同時伸展軀幹肌肉。

3.月半式(Half Moon):強化大腿,同時改善hip的柔軟度,改善平衡。

4.眼鏡蛇式(Cobra Pose):強化後背、臀部、大腿,伸展脊椎。

5.下狗式(Downward Dog):強化手臂,改善整體柔軟度。

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Time to break away

I am going through the process of detoxification.

Coffee or tea? No!

Coke? No, No, No!

Symptoms of withdrawal: Headache, drowsy, sleepy, dark circles around the eyes (not bother to have make-up, though), redden eyes, pale face, cold to everyone (especially closer friends), indifferent, stupid, slow in everything...

I am having a hard time with myself... No! Actually a hard time with my body.

How long will it last before I can be myself again?

(They say one week, but I very much doubt it.)

Monday, August 14, 2006









Thursday, August 10, 2006


防風通經丸、消炎藥、消炎藥膏、counter pain。



這是每天拉筋兩個幾鐘,同時拉得過分狠勁、肌肉卻未夠強壯受力的結果(都話做forward bends危險架啦,它們應該列入最亡命動作頭一位才是)。


Muscles That Act on the Spine

The lower back is also significantly influenced by three sets of muscles that attach to the pelvis or the lumbar vertbrae: the hip flexors (which raise the thigh toward the chest)(即:髖骨前的一組深層肌肉), the abdominals, and the hamstrings (the long muscles on the back of the thigh). By altering the forward or backward tilt of the pelvis, these muscles can increase or decrease the lumbar curve. For example, because the hip flexors attach to the front of the pelvis, tight hip flexors will tilt the pelvis forward, creating a swayback. Tight hamstrings will tilt the pelvis backward, creating a flat back. Weak abdominal muscles will allow the pelvis to drop forward and will fail to support the lumbar spine from the front.

P.15, Back Care Basics, Mary Pullig Schatz, M.D.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Beginning of an end

Got the certificate from England at last.

See? It doesn't mean anything. It is only a beginning of an end.

So much to learn in life.

No time to linger.







Monday, August 07, 2006










Saturday, August 05, 2006

You are in your own hands

"Believing in your innate ability to achieve is the key to changing your body... there is nothing that we cannot achieve if we put our minds to it, and this is especially true when we are speaking about our own bodies. We spend the majority of our lives trying to influence external forces over which we have little or no control, when the very thing over which we have complete control is literally beneath our own noses.

In Pilates, as well as in life, there is nothing that will work for you that you do not make work for you. There is no good fairy who will come to you in the night and transform your body for you. The physical and mental commitment you must make to achieve your goal is the most important step in the process of change."

P.11-12, The Pilates Body, Brooke Siler

Plans in near future







十月,經濟許可的話,報讀美國Yoga Alliance的課程,與英國的那個同步讀。他朝若能畢到業,就是一個本地、歐洲和美國都認可的導師了(啊,人生忽然充滿希望!)。




Wednesday, August 02, 2006

slump, no slump

“Be especially careful with forward bends, as it’s easy to collapse into an excessive kyphosis. Learn to pause for a moment as you begin each pose, to feel the vitality of the support muscles of your back, the spaciousness of your lungs, and the openness of your heart. Over time, this practice of opening your heart will contribute not only to changing your posture but also to the development of compassion. In just this way, the physical practice of asana changes our outlook on the world and the way we interact with other beings.”

Julie Gudmestad, Break Out of Your Slump, Yoga Journal

中西夾攻對抗自然eye shadow

大約四個月前開始,眼睛上方眼蓋的位置,久不久就會泛起一片橙紅。最初以為是活在爛公司氣鬱動肝火所致,誰知離開鬼地方後,eye shadow,「自然眼蓋膏」仍然揮之不去。淡紅有時,腫脹有時,起白屑剝落有時,而無時無刻都痕癢難當。 後來,返了國內探望做中醫師的表兄長,他一看我情況,就說...